Arts and Literature

Arts and Literature

Arts and Literature

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Giovanni Verga was a Sicilian writer who lived in XIX Century’s. He was one of most authentic writers of the island,  a sincere author of that realism that described the deep poverty of the Sicilians and their struggle with a very hard life.
His most famous work is The malavoglia, The reluctantly, set in Acitrezza, a fishing village near Aci Castello, a few kilometers from Catania.

In the shadow of the house of the medlar, still open to visit, Verga describes an Italian dialect infused with the life of the Toscano family, and that of the Malavoglia, a family of unfortunate fishermen who sail the sea. The book, raw and hard, was a great success, so much so that the director Luchino Visconti in 1948 made it into a movie, "The earth trembles" .

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